
About Bcurtis.org

Image from the Rider-Waite® Tarot deck

I am the Fool.

The Fool is the only zero card in the tarot deck.  0 is the number of pure consciousness and so this is my state of infinite potential.  All the other cards of the deck are derived from this card.  I do not know where I am going but I trust that my heart will not lead me astray.  With the sun at my back, my father is supporting the purity of my heart that I carry with the white rose in my left hand.  I have never owned a dog, yet, from the time that I was born, I have had one by my side.  The dog knows that I see the same light of consciousness in its eyes that are in mine, and so we are equals.  We eat together and sleep together and protect one another.  I wear clothes that are covered in images of growth, because I must grow to continue my leap of faith.  I carry all my possessions with me in my satchel.  It is all I need.  My heart is stretched out to the world because it is not only a part of me, it is me.  I have fallen in love with it, and to grow with it, I must serve it.  Growing is never easy, and there will be trials and tribulations that continue to tatter my garments, but if I wear the unconditional love and childlike faith of the fool, nothing can stop me.  I am free.  I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the ending, the divine light of creation.


For those of you unaware of the images of the Tarot, they are very old.  Nobody knows how old in fact.  The Fool is always the Hero of our story and the Fool’s journey is synonymous with the Hero’s journey.  It is a journey of self discovery.  All of the keys to the future of our growth and evolution are inside of us.  The insights and wisdom I have discovered in my own journey is something that cannot be replaced.

How did I get there?

I took on the mantle of the Fool without realizing it.  All of us are being led by a divine intelligence and everything is happening for a reason.  Inside, I will show you why it is so important to start following your heart with a will to be of service.  You will fast track your karmic lessons.  Find out why the meek shall inherit the Earth.  Will you join me?  Will you take a leap of faith and become the Hero of your own story?

It took me a long time to realize who I was.  Unless you follow your heart and ignore material gains, you will not find out who you are.  You have gifts that are unlike anybody else’s, but you have to trust, love, and have faith.  Save yourself, nobody is going to do it for you……..

The Fool’s Insights

Everything is energy and information

Knowledge is power.  The world around you has the potential to teach you more about yourself than any school book.  Relationships are everything.  Learning to prioritize your relationships will put you in a state of continued growth.  I hope to share as much of my understanding with you, but nothing can shortcut the process of self discovery.  It is a choice.  It seems like a simple choice, but nothing is ever simple LOL.

Relationships are key in business

This is my sister site for my business consulting service.  If you would like to create the best contract possible to heal your business, then look no further!  All relationships need a clear set of boundaries so that conflicts of interest do not tear your business apart from the inside out.


As I learn from you I will post it here.  The process is mutual.  One cannot exist without the other.


Achieve whatever you desire in life.  Become the hero in your own hero’s journey!

Get Moving!

Do what your heart is telling you to do.  Ignore everything else.  There is no other path to true freedom and happiness.

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