Welcome one and all to my portal!  Please take the time to send me an email if you decide to put on the mantel of the Fool, because I want to hear about it!  I love you.

We can heal this world.  You can help me, but first you have to learn how to heal yourself.  Once you learn how to heal yourself, you will start teaching the people around you.  It will become your number 1 priority because you will see the prison that had held you for so long.  Love is the most powerful thing in all realities and it can change you and your loved ones forever.

I have many projects that are at work in the background to continue to serve you.  All of you are a part of me and I want continue to help you make this a world that all of us want to live in.  What are those projects?  That is for me to know and you to find out!

You are an awareness or biofield in a larger biofield.  The only way to know your life’s purpose is to follow the center of your biofield (or heart) and see where it takes you.  Every cell in your body is organized the same way.  The day you were born, the stars were aligned (a larger biofield) to tell you your story.  Taking this path is not easy.  You will get scared, but overcoming your fears and walking forward in faith will lead you to fulfillments that you have only dreamed of…..

Structure dictates the amount of energy moving through the system

When trees stop growing, they die.

I love trees!  This is my favorite tree.  I grew up in this tree.  We built a fort in it and tied a cable across the river to an island where we could build and create anything we wanted away from the restrictions of the outside world.

There is so much beauty in the world around us.  Everything is in a state of growth.  When you can look at everything and see yourself in all of it, you will be at peace.


As I learn from you I will post it here.  The process is mutual.  One cannot exist without the other.


Achieve whatever you desire in life.  Become the hero in your own hero’s journey!

Get Moving!

Do what your heart is telling you to do.  Ignore everything else.  There is no other path to true freedom and happiness.

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